The Sandman (6 points)

 I read the Sandman the Doll's House. I chose the title because I knew that Sandman was about the dream world, and I have reoccurring dreams about dollhouses so I was curious. The entire Sandman series as a whole, however, is just beautiful. The story is so wonderfully written by Neil Gaiman that I don't think there has been anything like it since. The Sandman is such an awesome masterpiece. The topic of dreams is expressed so beautifully in the concept alone with having these interchanging worlds all existing at once. The story feels like your traveling through different dimensions. One transition I found to be really impressive was the early point in the story when Rose and her mom are riding in a car to their destination and Rose begins to drift off in the backseat. The panels around her started to spread apart and tilt completely sideways leading us into her dream she was having on the next page. This is then where we see the sandman talking with Lucien. What's interesting too is that the two characters in her dream realize that she is dreaming and look at her eye to eye through a window/portal connected to her. This causes her to wake up. There are so many creative aspects that these Sandman graphic Novels hit on the nose and do it so well. It can be really difficult to describe dreams just because they are so abstract and surreal as well as different for every person. The story is simply memorable and interesting and its because it delivers the idea in a convincing way. I actually own the first Sandman graphic novel and I have yet to finish it but reading this novel made me want to revisit it! I'm looking forward to that now.


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